ASK Fitness
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Online Nutrition and Strength Training Plans

Get both of our amazing Nutrition and Strength Training plans 25% of with this package deal at $150.00. Our plan includes all of your training and eating lifestyle needs to keep you fit and keep you in shape.

Weight Loss Focus

We have Nutrition Plans specifically designed to help you lose weight. Provide us with your weight and body hopes and dreams and we will custom craft your plan to meet those goals. Your current daily eating habits will be closely examined to see where you can replace with something more nutritious and better for your body.

Losing weight is not easy for most people, but we make the process simple. This leaves your weight as a thought of the past. We address calories, macro goals, water intake goals, and the time of day to eat.

Not only will we help you lose weight, we will help you change your lifestyle for long term lasting results.

Body Sculpting Process

Our body sculpting process will take your figure and tone and shape it on a daily basis. By following our exercise and stretch routines, your body will become sculpted and defined. We start the process by taking your current exercise load into consideration, and then designing a work out plan that gradually introduces you to the strength training aspect of your daily work out routine.

Our trainers are certified to provide you with the best knowledge around body shaping and weight loss. We teach the latest techniques and work out routines, and will teach you how to track your results. Through this 12-Week Program, we are hoping to create a healthier lifestyle for you. A training education that you can take with you for years to come.

ASK Fitness, its owners, agents, employees and personal trainers are not registered dieticians or licensed nutritionists. Ask Fitness encourages all encourages clients to follow up with one to ensure the meal plans meet the needs of the individual receiving them.

Strength with Results


Nutrition is the #1 factor in completing a healthy lifestyle and diet. Watching what you put into your body not only makes you feel better, but prepares your body to perform at it's maximum potential. Understanding what you put into your body helps you understand the output that it gives. Below are a few of the areas we focus on in our customized nutrition plans.


Simple carbohydrates are made of just one or two sugar molecules. They are the quickest source of energy, as they are very rapidly digested. Complex carbohydrates are made of sugar molecules strung together like a necklace and are often rich in fiber, thus satisfying and health promoting. Complex carbohydrates are commonly found in whole plant foods and, therefore, are also often high in vitamins and minerals.

| As Fuel |

During exercise, your liver breaks down its glycogen stores and releases glucose into the bloodstream. Your muscles use this along with their own private glycogen stores to fuel activity.


Saturated fats are single bond fatty acids that increase LDL and are associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease. These fatty acids should not consume more than 10% of your diet. Unsaturated fats have at least one double bond and increase HDL and decrease LDL. They are found in fiber-dense foods.

| As Fuel |

Fat is stored mainly in adipose tissue and minimally in muscle cells. Low intensity exercise will use fat as the predominant source for energy, which in turn will preserve glycogen and minimize the utilization of protein for fuel.


Protein is reserved for building material through the synthesis of lean skeletal tissue. Adequate protein intake is essential for other body systems such as hormone regulation and increased immune support.

| As Fuel |

While carbohydrates and fat are the body’s main source of energy, it will resort to breading down protein into glucose for fuel.

Strength Training

Strength Training allows you to focus on sculpting your body into a toned and shapely figure. Our process is simple for you to follow along with and allows for you to maximize your results. Your goals can change throughout your strength training and we can adjust you work outs accordingly. Below is our process.


We design a custom strength training plan to meet your body type.


You execute the plan specifically designed to meet your strength training goals


Our proven work out methods will provide you with results your body can count on.

4 Week Nutrition and Strength Training Plans Trainer Selection

Get both of our amazing Nutrition and Strength Training plans 25% of with this package deal at $150.00. Select your trainer below to purchase this product.

Nutrition and Strength Training

When it comes down to it, strength training is most effective when you set goals, create a plan, execute the plan, and deliver results. In order to be successful, you need to stay committed to the plan. We guarantee results with our nutrition strength training plans if they are followed. Get started on your transformation today!

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